5 years ago
#196 Quote
All data is stored in our system using UTC time and all sensors and gateways have UTC time clocks.  The time zone you see your data in is controlled in 2 places.  Your login has a time zone setting and each job site has a time zone setting.  Because all data is stored in UTC changing the job site time zone setting takes immediate effect for all past, current and future data and does not change any data in the database, it only changes how data is presented to you the viewer.

1 - Your login's time zone setting is used to control the default time zone of new job sites and the time zone used for data downloads.  To change your login time zone click on "my account" then "Edit Users" then the user ID and then you will see the Login time zone setting.

2 - The job site's time zone setting is used to control the time zone that data from that job site will be viewed with and is applied to all users.  To change the job site time zone login to your account, click on "edit" for the job site you wish to change, and then use the pull down menu to change the time zone.